Achieving Substantial Growth Through Digital Integration

If your business portfolio consists of a wide range of diverse brands, products, and services, you will appreciate the upward struggle & challenges of leading a large scale workforce through a digital transformation programme.

The journey of fully integrating and embedding multiple and diverse businesses, to enable customers to experience a single point of destination, can reap huge rewards if implemented correctly, driving up business growth and improving profitability. Sounds great in principle, but in practice, many Boards have failed to deliver this vision because of internal politics, lack of expertise, unrealistic targets or underinvestment.

Think about Amazon and Uber who have successfully diversified their offer from shopping to TV and from taxi rides to food! Or how not to do it, in cases such as Blockbuster, Nokia and Kodak!

Our case study contributors

During the Boardroom, Phil Ponsonby, Group CEO of the MidCounties Co-Operative, outline his early thinking about how an integrated digital front end solution will help them achieve substantial growth. Like many, Phil recognises that creating joined-up and linked propositions to service the needs of customers across the entire business portfolio will be a key enabler to deliver substantial revenue growth and business efficiencies.

The Midcounties Co-operative is at an early stage of this journey towards a fully integrated/digital business. Phil has had a long and successful career within the Co-Op but now faces an even greater challenge to achieve a fully integrated business.

They are the largest independent co-operative in the UK employing over 9,000 people across a range of different business, including food retail, travel, utilities, healthcare, childcare and funeral care. Each business has grown up and is run separately, with its own P&L, customer base and channels, some more digitally enabled than others.

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