Diversity & Inclusion – view from the boardroom

Many business leaders across all functions are hearing loud and clear the rhetoric regarding the need to build a diverse and inclusive workforce.

But how do you actually implement this in practice? and how can you ensure you are getting the buy-in and the active support of your senior leaders across the business?

In the boardroom we explored ….

1. Three main reasons why effective diversity implementation often fails.

2. The crucial difference between equal opportunity and diversity management, and why they do not work well together.

4. The key reason why ignorance around the true value of diversity to organisations scuppers the best intentions.

3. The first two activities that are essential when implementing effective diversity practice.

Lead Case Study Contributor:

A global leader in the field of diversity and inclusion (D&I). Elaine Sihera is a highly respected speaker, broadcaster and author in this field, and founder of both the Windrush achievement awards and the British Diversity Awards.

Elaine shared with us her experiences and observations on the barriers to implementing effective D&I policies and practices, and strategies for overcoming these issues. She will also discuss popular misconceptions on the topic and share some beneficial ideas to help leaders develop and implement good practices’.

The second contributor is Julia Tyson who is a very experienced senior HR Director. Most recently she served as Group HR Director for LV=, the UK’s largest friendly society, employing around 6,000 people in the insurance sector.

Prior to LV=, she served as Group HR Director for Wates Group, one of the largest privately-owned construction, development and property services companies in the UK. Julia will share with us her extensive experience of D&I strategies and practices which she has led and implemented in large corporates.

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