The hype and hysteria of AI as a strategic or tactical business tool

This session explored the hype and hysteria of AI as a strategic or tactical business tool – full exec summary notes downloadable


The pace of change in business continues to accelerate at breakneck speed; but how can you seize control of this and scale your business to an optimal level ?

The big question right now is whether company leaders consider technology simply as a shiny and expensive new toy OR does technology innovation form part of a longer-term strategy that will enable the company to deliver on its 5 -10 year mission.

The answer to this question will determine whether technology budgets get slashed when times are hard, or whether investment in new technology needs to be protected come what may.

Technology is a key enabler, but how can you navigate your way through all the jargon and identify a winning strategy for technology deployment ? … Big data, AI, cognitive intelligence, machine learning, process automation – endless buzzwords but how can we make sense of these concepts and apply them to our business models to achieve tangible results?

Recent surveys show that:

– 80% of corporate IT budgets are now allocated to cloud-based solutions and apps
– 78% of businesses have either deployed AI or have plans to do so in the future
– 53% of businesses deploy big data solutions such as data warehousing

Which goes to show that, in business, you ignore technology at your peril!

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