Business benchmark toolkit

Benchmark Against Your Competitors

    Do you have an up to date personal vision?

    Do you have an up to date business vision/plan?

    Is your organisational vision clearly understood by every employee?

    Do all employees understand how the organisational vision relates to their job?

    Are your values and beliefs consistently demonstrated by everyone in your organisation?

    Are you gaining market share in each market segment?

    At least annually, do you identify three or more issues to be addressed?

    Do you allocate responsibility & dates for action for each issue to a key person?

    Do you have an up-to-date organisational chart?

    Is it aligned to executing your strategy

    Do you have a succession plan for every position, including your own?

    Do you know specifically what skill sets are needed in each position on your organisational chart?

    Do you have an incentive component for compensation in every position, not just sales?

    Have you evaluated the degree to which each person meets the required skill sets of their position?

    Do you create personal development plans so all employees know exactly what they need to do to stay qualified for their current position?

    Do you take a positive and proactive approach to managing the culture?

    Do you quickly dismiss employees who are poor performers or don’t fit the culture, even if they are personal friends or relations?

    Are your processes aligned with your strategic plan?

    Are your processes clear & well-documented?

    Are your processes strictly followed?

    Are your processes linked to job descriptions?

    Do you conduct performance appraisals & set targets with each employee at least annually?

    Are all budgets and forecasts tied to, and in alignment with, your strategic plan?

    With 15% accuracy, can you forecast the amount of cash you will have on hand 60 days from now

    Do you manage the business by a few key metrics which you review at least weekly?

    If you divide your total annual sales by the number of full-time equivalent employees, does the resulting number exceed the average for your industry?

    Do your bonus' and incentives fully align with both the corporate vision and goals?

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    The importance of a regular organisational excellence audit.