Inner Circle Boardrooms

We have been working and observing board execs for more than a decade. During this time have seen a dramatic shift in the role of CEOs and board execs.

One thing is for certain disruption is here to stay, and the pace of change is only accelerating.

The scary truth about corporate survival

  • During the period 1955 – 2017, 87% of fortune 500 companies have vanish from the list and another 17% are a  here in five years. 
  • 40% of jobs will become extinct in next 10 years 
  • business schools’ curricula don’t adequately reflect the current economic environment.
  • What does not grow eventually dies !
  • Leading from the top is a lonely job 

Many CEOs routinely make decisions concerning matters they’ve never before tackled.


  • When have they ever had to spearhead a takeover—or defend against one?
  • Resolve a crisis as the public face of the company?
  • Deal with a board of challenging shareholders/NEDs with divergent opinions?
  • Defend a scale cyber/IT attack?

This calls for change in strategies, organisational models and courageous leadership


Businesses all over the globe are going through a reinvention of their operating model – how will this impact you ? and how do you plan to turn disruption into an opportunity and advantage ?

Inner Circle Boardrooms

To succeed in business today, you really need a network of people who you can always reach out to for advice, inspiration, do business with.

You can’t really find these answers and guidance by reading and researching, you need to speak and connect with people

Is adaptation or disruption the secret to longevity ?

For some chief executives it is simply too risky to expose gaps in knowledge and experience to a chairman or a member of the board.


Typical solutions are


  • Engaging the service of high-profile business veterans and being able to talk to someone in confidence who is not a stakeholder or a paymaster and completely detached from the business can help avoid making costly mistakes and proven to enhance business performance.


  • top management programmes such as Harvard are great if you can afford to be absent from the business for long periods of time. (However, if you are one of the top 10 people in the business, the possibility of being away for three months is probably not practical during these times. Plus, many board execs inform us business schools’ curricula are not adequately reflect the current economic environment.)


For some chief executives it is simply too risky to expose gaps in knowledge and experience to a chairman or a member of the board.

Typical solutions are

  • Engaging the service of high-profile business veterans and being able to talk to someone in confidence who is not a stakeholder or a paymaster and completely detached from the business can help avoid making costly mistakes and proven to enhance business performance.
  • top management programmes such as Harvard are great if you can afford to be absent from the business for long periods of time. (However, if you are one of the top 10 people in the business, the possibility of being away for three months is probably not practical during these times. Plus, many board execs inform us business schools’ curricula are not adequately reflect the current economic environment.)

Fortunately, the Inner-Circle boardrooms provide existing and aspiring CEOs with the guidance and resources to succeed both in business and during their career – whether that’s too..

  1. heightened awareness of strategic thinking and decisions that matter most to your business
  2. accelerate progression on tactics, techniques and strategies that enable a CEO/business to execute on their vision or achieve their goals.
  3. create long term growth & success strategy, enriched with feedback from high-profile seasoned veterans that can support the expansion and development of new concepts & ideas
  4. cross collaborate with a range of c-suite peers to tackle complex (industrial and geopolitical) issues across functions, cultures, and countries
  • C-suite advisory board to gain clarity and look beyond to seize new opportunities
  1. Develop competitive (market) advantage through the ability to forge new strategic alliances & partnerships that keep you/business relevant


But does mentoring at the C-suite level work? 

A study published in the Harvard Business Review in April 2015 surveyed 45 CEOs who have formal mentoring arrangements. It found 84% credited mentors with helping them avoid expensive mistakes and become proficient in their roles faster, and 71% of respondents said they were certain that company performance had improved because they’d had a mentor.

since our inception in 2016
- over 500 CXOs attended or pop up board
- thousands globally consume the content we produce
- Hundreds

Don’t take our word for it ….

Simon Kirby
Paul Nannetti
Ralf Specht
Kevin Paterson
Paul McGann